Sinister Factory shredder Sasha Yakvoleff and the man himself Rob Westover and new bud Wilson recently road tripped it out to Ray's Indoor and had the place all to themselves! Rob wrote a story about the trip and the crew shot some pics too! Guess it's time for everyone to check out the place eh??

robbie has his own namesake bike, The Gruitr!! 
Sasha "Yak Attack"!!
"Rays MTB, many of have heard of it and lots of been, I had
been planning to go for 2 years now. Dreaming finally turned into reality in a
wham bam thank you maam 2 day road trip to rays in Cleveland, OH.
Saturday Morning 12-9-07: 10:00 AM
I gave Wilson (newly transplanted local to B.F. VT) a call
and said I finally had 2 days off in a row and we should think about heading to
Rays. He agreed it would be some great research for a facility that he and his
father hope to put in Bellows Falls in the near future. When the words
“business trip” “free gas” and “free hotel” were mentioned, I knew we were
going! As luck would have it Sasha (local Sinister Pro) was in town for the
weekend and said he would be pumped to come along as well. So it was confirmed
we were headed to Rays!! Booyaa Grandma!!
Saturday Night 12-9-07 7:30 PM
Sasha and I met Wilson in Bellows Falls and dropped our cars
in the railroad station parking lot. As Wilson pulled in to pick us up, Sasha and I realized just how small a Toyota
Tacoma extended cap really was. We piled four bikes, bags, and all of our gear
plus ourselves (none of us under 6’) into that tiny rig. I lost in rock, paper,
and scissors to Sasha and forced myself into the tiny backseat. The back was so
small that I wasn’t even able to sit forward even a bit. I ended up having to
half lie half sit in the back. But whatever we were on our way.
Saturday Night 12-9-07 11:30 PM
Somewhere in East Bumf$#k NY off Highway 90 I finally get to
switch seats with Sasha. Thank the fckin lord, I was already sore and we hadn’t
even ridden anything yet. Luckily the only thing keeping us all sane was that
Wilson had brought his new I Phone and laptop, so we took turns cruising the
net on the phone and watching episodes of family guy on the computer. Life is
good when you have a pal that’s techy with the gadgets.
Sunday Morning 12-10-07 6:15 AM
After 10hrs of driving we finally arrive in Cleveland OH, we
try and check into our hotel put are told that we have to wait till 7am to
check in or we get charged and extra day. There was a Denny’s knock-off
restaurant next door so we hit that up for some grub, probably some of the worst
food I have ever had. Finally able to check into our hotel we decided on 4
hours of sleep then we were hitting Rays.
Sunday Morning 12-10-07 11:30 AM to 11:00 PM
We arrive at Rays and I’m blown away at how incredibly big
the place is, and how much stuff they have packed into there 97,000 square ft
facility. For the first half of an hour Sasha, Wilson and I ride around
aimlessly getting pretty lost in the jungle of features the place had to offer.
Once we got a feel for the layout Sasha and I went out on a mission to ride
every single feature no matter how big or how small. From the XC loop, foam
pit, bridges, stunts, drops, pump track, park and rhythm sections small, medium
and large. Probably the most fun I had would be on the medium red bull rhythm section
as well as the large rhythm section that had a massive booter that took me
about 5 attempts to clean. Of course riding with Sasha he was hitting
everything perfect with style like he had been riding there for years. I also
made some quarter ass attempts at 360’s into the foam pit, they were weak but I
managed to get a few around. We rode for nearly 10.5 hours on Sunday and to say
the least we were well whooped. The good news was Wilson had managed to sweet
talk one of the employees to open the place up for us on Monday at 2:00 pm for
a 4-hour private session. We headed back to the hotel, showered and enjoyed
some cold Tecate, lost to Sasha in rock, paper, and scissors and had to sleep
on the cot. The thing smelled like a cigarette, but I guess it was semi-soft.

the place is huge! 

get right up on there Robbie!
Monday 12-11-07 11:00 AM
We checked out of the hotel after about 10 hours of sleep
and headed out to get some grub and kill some time before our afternoon
session. After we got some breakfast at the real Denny’s, which was
surprisingly good. We headed to a local mall to kill some time, checked out the
fine looking ladies and commented on how we all looked like a bunch of hobo’s
after an all night crack bender. Sasha had on a shirt and a pair of jeans that
were so stained it looked like he had slept outside in the dirt the night
Monday 12-11-07 2:00 PM to 6:00 pm
Arrived at Rays for our Private session, needless to say it
was SICK!!!!! 97,000 square feet of Bike Park for three people. We decided to
shoot some pics with Sashas ghetto ass camera, so the pics you see here prob
suck. We spent the majority of our time at the foam pit since we had the bad
boy to ourselves. I tried three’s again but was so worked from the day before
had trouble getting them around. My arms were so sore that my hands were
blowing off the bars when I landed in the foam. I also tried one suicide
no-hander and forgot to pinch my seat and nutted myself pretty good, I lay in
the foam for a bit, it’s nice and soft. Wilson was working on some suicide
no-handers and managed to pull a few off in the foam. Sasha was working on his
tailwhips and getting his feet on finally, he also learned nothings and even
pulled a few on the resi. We off course hit the whole park again by ourselves
and had a blast not having to wait in line for anything. When six finally
rolled around we were pooped, it was time to make the way home.

rob westober everyone

robbie clinging for dear life
Monday 12-11-07 6:00 PM
I finally won rock, paper, scissors and Sasha was the first
to succumb to the torture of the tiny rear seat. So we loaded up on energy
drinks and junk food for the fun drive home. We stopped at a weird retro burger
joint in PE on the way home that had some sweet burgers. And Sasha got his
introduction to the wonderful world of Krispy Kreme Donuts, he loved them but
then again who doesn’t. I drove the second half of the trips so I didn’t have
to sit in the back at all on the way back, thank god!
Tuesday 12-13-07 4:45 AM
After 10 hours of driving we pull back into Bellows Falls VT
and groggy high five each other for a sweet trip and load up our cars.
Tuesday 12-13-07 9:45 AM
I’m at work. goddamn
I’m tired!!! But hey, it was Rays MTB
and it was well worth it!!"
14 hours of sleeping
20 hours of driving
12 hours of riding
What a crazy 2 days.!!!!!!!!!!!! The Sinister Way!