On my way back from southshore last week I began to think about all the signs. Though most were advertizing of some type, many were instructions, information and things that even could be found interesting. I guess I am pretty lucky, I read well and even enjoy it quite a bit (though you sure can tell I don't worry about being perfect at writing) a funny sign here, a great quip over there.. reading.
There are other ways to read. We read terrain on our bikes. We look at the clouds and pretend we are getting some message about what the temp or wind could be a few hours in the future. We read the faces of people we meet and the more we know them, the more the language they speak becomes clear and the message they offer comes with less contemplation and confusion in my own mind.
Sometimes the language, the signs, the weather can lead us in a direction or to a assumption that we later find isn't correct. Were the signals wrong or the interpretation? For me it's how I see things.
I like to walk the woods. Lanie and I and usually buddy (dog) spend most evenings plowing through the underbrush, following game trails, reading the signs that nature has left for us. a patch of fur or scattered feathers are a sign that one animal didn't pay attention to the signs. Filling my shoes with gooey sludge is a sure indication I was talking when I should have been listening.
As I mature as an individual I find that I rely more on signs and am trying desperatly to understand what the signs mean and which ones I should follow. But first, and formost it's the languange and the symbols that I must learn, then the signs, they should come easy. Thanks to those who have the patience and help me with those signs. You know who you are..