a little hot huh? argh.. it's tough welding on a day like this.. I managed about seven hours at the table and went home and took a nap.. my gloves were soaked with sweat and I was getting shocked.
We got soaked this weekend as well as shocked. And one guy took a nap after poaching the jump jam. I think his 150mm stem got him right in the kisser. He had enough dirt packed in his nostrils to build a small chateau.
We received the soaking when a brief and sudden storm blew through. Were shocked by the huge friggin air that we witnessed. I know you saw the photos.. retadded!
I ended up in a river today trying to cool off. Buddy is outside the office door resting on the grass and sniffing the air..he knows whats up. Buddy is my dog, a yellow lab. Will Floyd lose his victory after he visits the lab? these guys wouldn't have problems if they just wouldn't piss. That wouldn't work for Buddy. More welding tomorrow. No matter how hot it is.